Sunday, May 4, 2014

Spring Leaves n' Flowers // Leaf Dance Photography

With the flowers blooming on the ground two weeks ago, and the trees now blooming and leafing out, my camera has been extremely busy.
 The colors, textures and scents all around are just so incredible, that every-other-day walks with my camera in tow have been most necessary.
This spring was the most normal one we've had in a few years; meaning that the trees and flowers didn't bloom and leaf out one day, and have finished by the end of the week! (Nor have we had snow!)

The gracious abundance God gives continues on, and I'm quite excited to share a glimpse of what's been going on outside...

This is Spirea; in a few more days it'll be covered with snowy white blossoms!

This dove warming herself on our deck railing...she reminded me of a snowman slowly melting into a puddle.
So, naturally, I took a picture.

I love the "helicopters" that spiral down from their perch on the maple trees...

These tulips...they are the most photogenic flower ever.
There are lots more pictures of them in particular coming soon!

Has Spring arrived where you live? 
Do you have any of these same flowers?

Through His grace,

1 comment:

  1. These photos are gorgeous!! Spring has arrived in PA, but the weather is still a little chilly. I am loving the purple flowers (not sure what their name is) popping up all over our flowerbeds! I have been taking many pictures of them! (you can see my photography here: We also have tons of dandelions all over our yard! I don't remember having this many before! But they are fun to take pictures of! :) Thanks for sharing! I enjoy your photography!! ~Tashia


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