Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Days of Autumn 15 : Poem - Maple Radiance.

I've always loved this picture since I took it two years ago; back when I knew little about composing and had a dinky Kodak . . . but it turned out so beautiful!

So I wrote a poem about it:

Maple radiance
Autumn light dances on the leaves
Shadow dance too, Changing green to blue
Red to purple, yellow to orange
The sun shines through and I see a rainbow
This… is my favorite tree

Shadows dance too, changing green to blue,
Red to purple, yellow to orange
The leaves turn to jewels
 This… is my favorite tree
A rainbow I can touch

The leaves turn to jewels
Each leaf glowing
A rainbow I can touch
Camera in my hand…
Up in its branches I’ll stay

Autumn light dances on the leaves
Shadows too/ each leaf glowing
The sun shines through and I see a rainbow
Up in its branches I’ll stay


P.s. It's also a type of poem called a "Pantoum".


  1. "The leaves turn to jewels." That was my favorite description. :) beautifully written<3

  2. Both this picture and the poem are beautiful!

  3. Ha! My first (digital) camera was a dinky kodak too! I had some great times with that Kodak though:)
    I also think your poem is so imaginative; the part about sitting in a tree with a camera is my favorite because I often do just that!



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