Thursday, February 7, 2013

Winter roses

Ahhh. Roses.
One fine winter day last year, I noticed the rose bushes were surprisingly colorful.( They also still had green leaves; in January!)
I saw bright spring greens, darker greens edged with autumn brown, and new leaves edged with red.
(a few colorful leaves and rose hips also made an appearance.)
(and if you notice, there's some neat shadows too.)
(and a weed that is rapidly multiplying and taking over part of the flowerbed.)

The more I looked the more I found; and ended up taking more pictures than I first thought!

Speaking of looking and finding, I thought of this verse:

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened."

Matthew 7 : 7-8



  1. Love. And love the verses SO much too. I've been turning to them often in my Bible lately. :)

    The shadows! Ahh, the shadows are the best. :)

  2. Very lovely, Jenny!

  3. I love ti when that happens; taking mroe pictures than you thought you were going to. It's a wonderful feeling. 'Specially when they turn out so nice!!! :) Beautiful.

    Thanks by the way for all your lovely comments on my blog, they really mean a lot to me. ,3

  4. heeey! i don't know why i am *just* getting around to checking your blog out!, my apologies. ;)
    your blog is fantastic, these pictures are beautiful, and i just wanted to say that i very much appreciate your comments on meh blog! <3 <3


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