Friday, March 8, 2013

An Evening Snowset

walked out to see how the igloo my friend and I made (The other one got filled in by the snowplow when we got more snow!)  had weathered the sunny day, when, I noticed the golden light reflecting off the wet pavement beyond . . .

'Bout 20 minutes later, I peeked out the window and saw that the sky had changed moods since I was last out:

Notice this neat ray of light shooting upwards through the cloud layers!

You like the sun flare bokeh in those middle pictures? You want to know how I did it? All right, I'll explain my secret:
1. Set camera level with snow to take a picture from a snowflake's viewpoint.
2. Forget that your camera is kinda heavy and the snow is kinda fluffy; your camera sinks down a bit.
3. After picture, brush snow off as well as you can with your slightly wet gloves, and forget about it as you dash off to the next subject in the quickly fading light.
4. Take picture of sunset. Notice lovely and unexpected bokeh in bottom of picture. Exclaim happily and ponder the source of said orbs of light.
5. Notice small water drops still on lens. Smack forehead and say "Duh!" (actually, that step is optional, I didn't really do that.  =P )
6. Post about it. (Oh ,and clean lens once back in dry, warm house!)




Oh, and to all who commented on my last post, I answered all of them, just so ya' know. =)


  1. I love the gigantic snow formation fort thing! And man...that pink sky... its beautiful.

  2. Those are some great pictures. And I literally laughed out loud when I read how you explained your *secret*

  3. Hey that snow fort looks awesome!!!
    Also thanks for the GREAT tips on lens flare:D (I may be using it sometime haha!)

  4. Love the pinks in the sky!
    -mal ;)

  5. I love the pink sky, Jenny! And yes, that sun flair is out of this world. :D


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